Can you believe this? I'm 60 years old today!!
I have wondered for some time what this birthday would bring. There have been times I wasn't sure I'd live this long. These last couple of years have been rough for me . . . for us. We seem to have hit every crisis possible for a family. I got through and I'm stronger. Praise God!
I want to thank my mom for giving a childhood to remember. She's gone now 11 years, but she was the best mom a kid could have (I was spoiled rotten). Thanks to my kids for growing me up and my grandkids for breathing new life into me.
I joined a group of people who have tournaments on Pogo. The held a birthday tour/party for me last night and a couple of dozen people showed up to wish me well. I want to thank those Gamers. I have played a lot of games on Pogo, especially while in bed. It's nice to have met a group that plays and chats together without bad language or criticism.
I love having the friends I have made here on the Internet. Many of you I wouldn't know if you walked up in front of me, but I feel as I know you well. If you are new to my journal, welcome. I love to meet people and hear your comments.
Rob got me a new digital SLR camera for my birthday. Yesterday we went out to take the first big group of pictures. I feel almost guilty posting this slide show because I hear of the terrible cold in so many places. We have had a few days of Santa Ana winds and the weather has been wonderful. I have not walked on the beach in over 2 years. What a glorious day it was for me. I felt like I got full deep breaths for the first time since we cracked my rib (love those hugs). These pictures are a glimpse of the wonders of living on the California coast. We drove just under 3 miles to reach the shore. Please enjoy.
Happy, Happy Birthday! I know I already wished you a Happy Day on your last entry, but I wanted it here for you to see too!
What a great present! I got a digital SLR a couple of years ago, and I love mine.... I just don't get enough time to spend with it ;p
Happy Birthday Penny. (I wish I were 60 & know what I know now~LOL) How fun to walk on the beach in the warm sun. What a blessing! I hope you continue to feel better and take many more walks on the beach and in the town where you live. May God richly bless you in this new year! Linda in cold & foggy Washington state
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PENNY (((()))))'s for you! I am so glad you are able to bear your pain a little better and are in high spirits. I know I'm not the only one praying for you- and am very happy that God is hearing prayers for you! God Bless and happy happy day! love me
Happy Birthday! I will turn age 60 on Feb. 20th and I feel every year of it already, but i am thankful for everything I have--except arthritis.
Just wondering if you had a chance to visit my Journal. Heaven is my home, and much of my blog is Christian oriented, but I post things that are of interest to other combat and disabled Veterans too.
Tom S
Happy Birthday Penny!!! what a wonderful day you had with walking on the beach; loved the pictures!!! we are having beautiful weather, aren't we?
so thankful the Lord is doing awesome things in your life!
wishing you many more years here walking in His footsteps :)
Happy belated birthday Penny. I hope it was a good one for you. I'll be 63 next month - UGH. I don't mind getting older but I don't like feeling old.
Hugs, Joyce
Penny Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday Penny! So nice to hear you got out and enjoyed not only the beach ... but your new camera. May you have many more wonderful days.
I hope your pain continues to recede. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, dear Penny, Happy Birthday to you!! I wonder if I will make it to 60?? Hmmm.... Sometimes I think I will and sometimes I don't. LOL No matter. I will just go see Jesus. Which makes me think of your beautiful song on your blog here. I love this song. I have your blog open here this morning and I am playing the song over and over. LOL I hope youa are still celebrating your birthday, honey!! Sending much love and hugs, Val xox
Glas you had a joyous birthday! And praising God for every improvement in how you feel and your health!
Happy Birthday, Penny! Your pictures are just gorgeous. I would love to live in such a beautiful area. It's always nice to see pictures of sun and heat. Praise the Lord that your pain is subsiding. I think the change is thanking the Lord. A pastor years ago told me to ask once and then thank each day for the healing that surely would come in some form or another. God bless you, and you can always say a prayer for me and my family. God knows our needs. Big hugs....
Happy Birthday to you!
I know how fun those Pogo people are, been a member there myself for some time. Felt good right?
Happy Birthday Penny, I never comment but I had to wish you a Happy Birthday. Stay healthy
Happy birthday Penny! I'm so glad you're able to get up and walk a bit now. I bet it's nice to have your Californian sunshine beating down on you too! Want to swap it for some real English rain?! Lol! I hope this year you continue to improve and can get out with your camera, I love my digital SLR. Jeannette xx New journal
HB dear Sister!
You & I are the same age!!!
God bless you & keep you & shine His face upon you.
GEE Penny! Happy happy birthday!
I hope that it was awesome!
love ya,natalie
Happy Birthday, Penny, and I'm glad your pain is more bearable. An SLR camera is a magnificent present.
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